Thursday, February 02, 2006

MORE Bally's nicknames..... could I have forgotten these people?
When I went to Bally's this morning I realized there were a few people I forgot to mention yesterday. They are...
*Social Director-this guy is probably 65, white hair/glasses. He knows EVERYONE! He constantly mingles around talking to his friends as they are working out. He seems very sweet and teddy-bear like!
*Anorexic crazy runner-This girl looks so bony, she looks like a skeleton! I hate when she is there, she goes on the treadmill at the front so everyone is behind her. She runs flailing her arms and it looks like she's being chased. What really bothers me is how bony she truly is, it's sad. I hope someone stops her from losing more weight-I really think she's anorexic!
*Spotter couple-they are really cute! They have two little kids that go into the nursery. They work out, one person on the machine, the other counts, adjusts weights and/or the seat if needed, and wipes it down. They are probably in their 30's.

I think that's all of the people I missed!


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