Monday, January 09, 2006

Update about my brother, Jimmy

If you did not read my previous post about him, you can search my blog with the word, Jimmy, and find the post I added in October.
Ok, so when I wrote my post in October I had just learned that there was some new evidence against my brother in his case. After my post I learned that the police's informant, and the person that captured the audio of my brother, was his good friend's wife. This was the ultimate betrayal! Jimmy had left the state of FL April 2004 when he got wind that the cops were looking for him. He left and went to SC. April 2005 his buddy called him and said his wife was having problems and she was going to be hospitalized. He needed Jimmy's help with running her business(a flea market type shop) and helping out with the kids, also driving his wife around when she got out of the hospital. He was willing to pay for Jimmy's ticket back to FL and also let him stay at their house. Jimmy accepted and flew there. He was totally dedicated to that family. He drove the kids to school, cooked them meals, and watched them while his friend was at work, he ran the wife's shop for her, he kept her secret that the hospital she was in was a drug rehab and not a hospital to get surgery on her leg. He didn't know until October, 6 months later, that he was set up. See, she had been arrested for the pills before he ever left FL in the first place! She had made a deal w/the cops that she would get a lesser sentence if she turned in her supplier...Jimmy. When he left FL it really screwed things up and they were going to send her to jail if he didn't come back to FL so they could arrest him. So they decided to get him back that way and then took total advantage of him in the process. My brother's lawyer reassured us that she would be discredited because she had him watching her kids and running her business, etc. Plus he said she was arrested for DUI recently and the cops were going to put her in jail anyhow. He said she would flee the state.
My mom called me 4 weeks ago with so much excitement in her voice! She said Jimmy would be able to spend Christmas with his kids and the stress was over. My mom had been calling the lawyer and when he finally called her back he had the good news that the lady(Jennifer) had fled the country. Her husband, kids, her business, was all gone. She had fled so the state had no case against my brother! He was still trying to pick up the pieces of his life after this news, but planned to try to reconcile with his ex-wife and move back to SC. My mom called me this weekend and told me she had new news. Jennifer had not fled the country, she was in fact sitting in jail in Georgia. MY MOM broke the news to the lawyer and his reaction was, "Oh Shit!" So, my mom is pretty sure he will be convicted and sentenced. His new trial date is set for Feb 21,2006. (my mom is planning to sue the lawyer after everything) My mom and brother were driving to see his kids over the weekend and my mom suggested I call them during their 12 hr drive. I had not spoken to my bro in a LONG time, and my dad and grandma hadn't talked to him in even longer. I called my mom and bro as they were driving and was totally heart-broken when I talked to my brother. He was slurring his words, repeating himself, and at times in the conversation he was so quiet I had to ask if he was still there. I came to the conclusion that he was on something, and my mom must be so used to it she doesn't even realize it anymore. It really hurt to talk to him and hear the pain and depression he must be feeling. Even more so that my mom didn't even recognize it anymore, that made me believe this has been going on for a long time! The last time I spoke to him was in June and he sounded fine. I did call my dad and try to get him to call my bro. He wasn't sure if he should or not. I was happy to hear from mom that my dad did call and my bro was very happy. I also called them later and he talked to my grandma. He was embarrassed and that is why he doesn't call us. He wanted to talk to us but didn't know where to begin. He missed so many events, birthdays, father's day, Christmas, new year's, etc etc. Later on my mom sent me a text msg and thanked me and told me how much it meant for my brother and how great he felt talking to all of us.
I am so scared about what is going to happen, I am working right now with tears streaming all over my face. I guess I am just going to take this one day at a time and see what happens.


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