Monday, January 16, 2006

Could you secretly be a "roid-monkey?"

So I was watching a show on MTV over the weekend, it's called True Life. It's basically a documentary on certain topics, and has the lives or stories of real people in it. Some topics in the past have been, "I have OCD," "I'm getting plastic surgery," "I'm in an interracial relationship," etc etc. I love watching them , they are very interesting! The one I watched over the weekend was, "I do steroids."
It went through 3 people's stories, of why they started taking them, how it affects their families, and the side effects. There is such a stigmata with taking steroids, and I'm really not sure why. I don't perceive it to be any different then smoking, or drinking. But these people were looked down on, lectured, and cast in a really nonfavorable light.
It got me thinking, what if there was a drug that was EXACTLY like steroids, it made you have anger rages, it made you sick, it made you break out, it changed your personality when you were on it. What if instead of packing on 3 pounds of muscle a week, THIS drug made you lose 3 pounds of fat a week! What then? Would people be more accepting of it? Would families encourage overweight or obese loved ones to go on it? How much different could it be from the barbaric nature of having your abdomen cut open and your stomach stapled? How could that impact our country? Would it have an effect on the economy or not? Most likely people would still maintain unhealthy ways of live and continue to eat at McDonald's constantly. But what if they didn't, what if this could change America? It would definitely impact the clothing industry and retail. But what about industries like modeling and acting, where people "stand out" from us everyday people. If everyone could get a figure like them that easily, would they still be that desirable and sought after? What about relationships in general? What about the fitness industry? They wouldn't really be needed as much.
As far as I'm concerned, if there WAS a drug like that, I would take it in a HEARTBEAT! I'm not above hard work, believe me. I've done it before and lost 60 pounds, I am trying to do it again now. But gee, it would really be great to get a "push" to start me off right and REALLY motivate me!


Blogger delilah said...

The problem with steroids is that it is illegal and it can kill you. It also has very bad long term effects. I watched a show on ESPN where this guy took steroids since he was in High School. By his 20's he was growing breasts. Real Breasts. I saw them. It makes women grow facial hair and take on other male traits. There has been medications that help people lose weight that when people started dying or having serious side effects from those drugs they took them off the market, as well. I don't think you would risk leaving your children alone (with no mom) to look skinny. Right?

8:01 AM  
Blogger delilah said...

I am happy you are working out and stuff but I hope it isn't going to interfere with your blogging time. I like to see a new post daily...

4:13 PM  

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