Friday, January 13, 2006

Does regularly drinking alcohol affect hair growth??

I think it does.

I think that the alcohol contains chemicals that not only impair your mind and hinder your judgment, but also stunts hair growth. (I have no actual scientific proof for this)
During pregnancy your hair growth is very rapid. During pregnancy, (most) women do not drink any alcohol. After the system is cleansed, there are none of these chemicals present in the body to prevent or slow the estrogen hormones from doing their job. During pregnancy most women experience vast hair growth, and the quality of their hair is very good as well.
There was a time in my life that I drank a lot, regularly. At times socially, and not socially. My hair WOULD NOT grow! I didn't want to cut my hair ever because I knew it took so long to grow. I went so far as to take hair growth pills! I did not take them as directed, so I saw no results from them. Fast forward to the past 3 years for me-I RARELY ever take a drink of alcohol. The chemicals are RARELY in my body, my hair grows quicker than anyone I know!
children's' hair always grows so quickly! It seems like they get a hair cut and two weeks later, they need one again. They have no alcohol in their systems.

OK so maybe I am reaching a little on all of these points, I know there are other factors to all of this. I was driving home yesterday and thinking about things as usual, and I started to think about how I wanted my hair in the summer. I thought I would like it really long and I thought, will it grow that much by then? Then I realized that I had my hair cut at the end of August to my chin, and 4 mo later it is past my shoulders. I would say that it has grown about 3". I remembered how I struggled for even a 1/2' of growth over a six mo period! It's a very rough theory, but I would be very interested to have a study done.


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