Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The top 10 things I learned from working at (a well-known health and beauty retailer)...

10.Everyone is replaceable!
9.Dm visit predetermined adgenda, hmm what today?I know , focus ONLY on the condition of the hardwood floors!Do NOT see anything but the floors!If business is good, turn it around that it would be BETTER if only the floors were CLEAN!
8.It is easy to manipulate the customer into buying what they want and then adding whatever you want them to buy.Plus that's your job.
7.The more you advance in the company, the more things are all your fault when things go wrong.
6.Our lotions, shower gels, bubble baths etc only cost nine cents to make, and we charge $9.00 for them!SUCKERS
5.When a customer says they are, "just looking" you need to force them to take your help.Hey- they could be a mystery shopper!
4."Part-Time" means 4 hrs a week maybe, "Salaried" means you can expect to work 45-50 hrs, on days off, and field constant phone calls at home from the store/ Business needs come first, your family comes second
3.There is no "break" after season! After that there is sale, inventories, visits, cleaning schedules, meetings, easter push, mother's day push, summer, hey, wow- you're back at season.
2.Everyone is either A.Criticizing you about your job, B.Trying to steal your job, or C.Threatened by you because they think you are out to get their job.
1.TWO WORDS: BACK-STABBING! (Thank you Karen K., Cathy, Wendy, Betsey, Lynda, and OF COURSE-Courtney!)
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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