Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Fever!, Straight Teeth, and Ebenezer Scrooge

It's very hard to believe that now that my computer is finally fixed, I still cannot manage to post every day! I really DON"T have much of a life, but I always seem to be very busy anyhow! Here are some things that have happened on the past few days!...
Gabriella has been ill! She has been fighting earaches for the past few months. She will have it in one ear, it will go to the other, etc etc. She was great this weekend, she and I went shopping at the mall and she got her Christmas pictures taken. On Sunday I shampooed the carpets, rearranged all the furniture in the living room, and put up our tree! She played with sissy all day and was fine. Of course Sunday night she woke up with a high fever and pulling at both ears! She stayed home Monday, Tuesday she was better and I took her to school. Her fever came back after nap. Last night she was up off and on all night and stayed up from 3am-6am SINGING! She is so funny! I just held her, we ate popsicles, and sang until she was tired out again! What a sweetie! Today her fever went away and she acted better. I did drop her off at school and left Tylenol with them if they need it. Wish us luck that she will be able to stay at school all day!

Tuesday was a HUGE day in Caitlyn's life. She got part of her braces put on. Words cannot convey the joy and fulfillment I have from being able to do that for her! Yesterday she smiled and laughed more than I've seen her do since she was a little girl. She was SO outgoing and talkative! It was just a wonderful day for her! It was extra important to me to be able to get braces for her because of my own insecurities. My entire life I have felt insecurity and embarrassment over my own teeth. I know that at times it has held me back in my life and made me more reserved to speak or even laugh. I have been accused many times in my life of being too serious or "looking like a bitch," and I blame it solely on my fright of people seeing my teeth. I am very happy that I am able to prevent that from happening to my daughter.

I had planned for the past month to take Caitlyn to see "A Christmas Carol" tonight. I have very fond memories growing up of my mother taking my brother and I to plays. I was even in a production of A Christmas Carol in highschool! Growing up we saw Annie, the Sound of Music, Guys and Dolls, A Christmas Carol, etc etc etc. I always felt very cultured and refined when we went to the playhouses. We didn't have a lot of money growing up and I'm not sure how my mom could afford to do that all the time, but I'm glad she did. I can't wait to share the experience with my daughter tonight. The plan is/was for Len to pick up Gabriella from school and watch her until we got home. He would feed her, bathe her, put her in bed, etc. I called him yesterday to confirm and he said he'd meet us at the house. I am pretty nervous about Gabriella's health first and foremost, so I guess that is the deciding factor on whether we go. However, I should think of it as the play starts at 7:30 and she goes to bed at 8:00, and also HE NEEDS to do stuff like this every once in a while. He needs to be there for her when she's sick too! I really believe it will all work out, we'll see. I'll give you and update!


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