Monday, December 05, 2005

Cell phone update!

Ok so, last we left it, I was to call the grandpa the next day regarding what he was going to do about the issue! WELL-the next day my daughter came home and told me that Amanda had told her in school that her grandpa said if I called him one more time that he would change their number. Anyone that knows me surely knows that my first instinct was to drive over there. I didn't, I tried to call later-someone answered but said nothing, as I spoke they hung up. I tried it again thinking that their phone was broken, same thing. Later on I tried it but blocked the call, same thing. I think I gave it one final try before I decided that I would call over the weekend, early when I was sure Amanda would still be sleeping. The next day (Fri) Caitlyn came home and said that Amanda told her that their caller id said I called 8 times (not true) and her grandpa said that if I called one more time he would press charges on me. So I decided I would still give the grandpa one more chance and still call him over the weekend, if there were problems then I would go to the police. That night there was a call for Caitlyn. She is grounded from the phone still, so I told the caller that and asked who it was. She said it was Amanda (the nerve) and to tell Caitlyn the phone was in her coat pocket the whole time! Wow! For 5 weeks and she looked everywhere but there? Yea-No not buying it. Anyhow I said we'd be right over. When we got to the house it was all dark and I started to fear it was a set-up. I went to the porch with Caitlyn and knocked but no one answered. After about 5 minutes and a lot of noises from inside the house some girl answered the door and just said,"here!" and handed us the phone. My daughter had never seen the girl before. So we got the phone and the girl only made 6 calls on it before I guess the battery died and she had no charger for it. SO-my daughter is still grounded from all phones including hers until Dec 16th. She REALLY learned her lesson and I will be giving it back to her after this and I am CONFIDENT this will never happen again! OH- by the way, this is a PREPAID cellphone!(give me SOME credit) OH yea, believe me-I gave this A LOT of thought before giving her the phone! She is allotted a certain amount of prepaid time per month, if she runs out she's outta luck or she buys more time herself! Thanks for your concern and suggestions everyone! I really do appreciate it!


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