Sunday, December 18, 2005

X-rays, SICK DAY, and quality time

I am a planner, and it never ceases to amaze me that no matter how much you plan something out, it can still turn out completely different than you imagined! Even though I called after naptime to check on Gabriella and she was ok, she still did not make it for the entire day. The day care called me 1/2 hr after I talked to them, I was in meetings all day. They got in an emergency call to my boss who pulled me out of my meeting and sent me home! My poor baby! When I picked her up she was as pale as a ghost, 103 temp, eyes sunken in, diarrhea, cough, and pulling at both ears! I called her dr who was off for the day, and said I needed to get in and see A dr, I was told they were all booked. YEAH-that didn't go over so well with me! I basically told them I was on my way and they were able to then "squeeze me in" for a later time. The dr I got was a new partner and she's probably the same age as me. My children's dr is in her mid 60's and we have been going to her for 8 years. I am used to her but I like to see a different younger dr every once in a while. Where my dr is stuck on "use the vaporizer, blah, blah blah" and oldschool methods, I feel like the younger ones have their finger on the pulse of more cutting edge practices. This dr was great, she was very sincere and explained everything to me. Gabriella had a chest x-ray and has a slight case of pneumonia, but a severe ear infection. She had 2 antibiotic shots and oral antibiotics for 9 days, that she hates. It took a few days, but most of the symptoms are gone now and she is able to go back to see her friends at school tomorrow, which she will be happy about. Every time I would get her dressed the last 4 days she'd say, "Amy?" That's her teacher's name! When I take her to her day care I always tell her she's going to see Miss Amy.
THE PLAY- Well obviously we didn't make it. But everything really did work out for the best. Caitlyn was going to a dance at school before the play, it ended at 6:00 and I was supposed to pick her up at her friend's house after that. It turned out that the dance STARTED at 6:00! She knew how much the play meant to me and even though she really wanted to go to the dance she wouldn't have told me. She was relieved to find out she could go after all!
Since we were not able to go to the play and I have been devoting all, I mean ALL of my attention to Gabriella, it has been tough for Caitlyn. She is old enough to stay by herself sometimes, where I NEVER have a babysitter for Gabriella. SO, I always seem to have alone time with Gabriella and none for Caitlyn. Since Gabriella was so much better, today my grandma watched her. Caitlyn and I went out to lunch, went to the mall, went Christmas shopping at Target, etc and just had a great time. We got home and wrapped presents together. I am very thankful that we could do that. Sometimes she needs me more than the baby! It was nice to just spend the day with her and talk and do things she likes to do.
Why doesn't Len, Gabriella's father ever watch her so I can have time with Caitlyn? HMMM- good question! I called him on Wed and told him we weren't going to the play and that I was taking the baby to the dr. He said he'd come over on Thurs all day to see her and I could go to work on Fri and he would keep her. Well, after being in the dr's office and hospital for 3 hrs, I tried to call him to let him know what was going on with his daughter-no answer so I left a voicemail telling him we were home and to call me so I could let him know what happened. This was at 8:30 Wed night. I finally heard back from him at 2:00 on Thurs! The reason he called was to tell me that he couldn't keep her Fri he was "moving some stuff for his uncle." I told him he needed to figure out what his priorities were and we started to argue. He said he was going to take a shower and call me back later. When he called me back he asked me if I had any gas money he could borrow because he didn't have any. I told him no and he said then he couldn't come over Thurs either. I, AT THAT POINT asked him if he wanted to even know what happened at the dr's. I told him and that still didn't change anything. I have not heard from him since, he has not even called to see how she was doing. This is the person that would threaten me on a daily basis that he would take her from me. He would tell me that he would make up lies about me to get custody of her! But he doesn't even call to see how she is? This isn't the first time either! He and his whole family are the most self centered people I have ever met. It hurts me, but then again it reassures my decision to dump him and "break up our family" as he often put it. I just hope when Gabriella is older and is able to catch on to his ways that by then he will have matured and will not hurt her. In the mean time and forever, I will continue to give my children as much love and affection of two parents, and then some!


Blogger delilah said...

I hope Gabriella is feeling better. Elise is sick. She has a horrible cough, fever and lots of snot. I slept on the couch, holding her last night because everytime I layed her down she would gag on snot. Yuck.

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow--they must have past it around last sunday--Reichen too!!
Hope Gabby is feeling better!

6:56 PM  

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