Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Struggling with my neuroses

So I am struggling a little bit right now. I have become a very routine, ritualed person. I have a schedule, I have everything throughout my days planned out. From the times I get up, go to bed, to the times I feed my kids, read to them or give a bath. I eat the same thing for breakfast every day, I feed my pets at the same time, take my dog out at the same time, and check on my kids during the night at the same times. I am very secure in my structure that I have created. Starting this weekend my world has been turned upside down.
So I began a new schedule at work this week. I have had to rearrange my whole routine and thought process. I have to say, the first day I was almost at a loss, unable to function because I wasn't sure what to do. Did you ever attempt to clean like your garage or attempt something that was so big you didn't know where to begin? Well that's how I felt. My schedule changed from 12-5 to 8:30-5. I drive my oldest to school which begins at 9:00, so I had to find other options for her to get to school. My youngest goes to daycare, and I had to arrange for her to attend at different times. Plus I had to account for drive time, and getting ready time. SO- despite all the chaos the first few days, for the most part things are coming in line. Instead of eating our breakfast at 7:30, Gabriella eats at school, Caitlyn eats at her friend's house-where she goes before school. I eat in my car! Instead of getting up when Gabriella wakes us- I get up at 6am and wake the girls at 6:30, although Gabriella has been getting up with me the last 2 days.
My biggest, ongoing dilemma has been this-
I have been going to the gym before work every day for the past 2 months. I have my own routines there, too. Working out gives me a positive start to my day, a relaxed feeling, and puts me in a terrific mood. I love it! I feel so good about myself, better than I have in a felt in a LONG TIME. SO, I've been a little lost. I have been trying to find a replacement time for my exercise. I tried it at night before bed, I was SO tired! I tried it at 5am, I wound up over doing it and almost fainted in the shower-seeing spots and feeling extremely light-headed. I had bought the Billy's Bootcamp DVD's and have been using those, but they are very intense. I have also been concerned about maintaining my "new muscles" that I have required! I have been lifting weights every other day, so I actually have some muscles now, do you believe it? There is a gym near my house that I belonged to 10 yrs ago. It is small, and did not COMPARE to the equipment or size of Bally's. I really didn't want to "invest" more money into this, or give up more of my time-but I have decided that is what I need to do for myself. The gym is only open until 9pm and the baby goes to bed at 8pm, so there you go. I guess I have to give up some of my precious "TV Time" but hey, it is WELL worth it! Today I confidently wearing pants that are 2 sizes smaller to work today, and I feel great!


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