Monday, March 27, 2006

How did the weekend go by so fast?

Especially when I REALLY didn't even do anything? It's just amazing to me how that times flies. I was hoping so much for a nice day to get some fresh air and sunshine, but unfortunately that did not happen. I look at the 7 day forecast every week and see 46,45,46, etc etc. Um where is spring? I thought the groundhog only said 6 more weeks of winter. What's up???
anyhow- as far as the Gabriella/circus situation- she seemed a like she was doing a little better and I saw that the circus was indoors, so I decided I would let her go. I went and got his cash from the bank and planned to drop her off at his house. He called me on his lunch break to confirm everything. He said that he thought it was going to snow so he didn't want to take her to the circus but he would just hang out with her at his house. I said ok and asked if he was going to drop her off at home at 8pm or if I needed to pick her up. At that point he got mad and said,"What do you mean? I thought you and I could hang out too. Why can't you hang out with me?" I said that I had TWO kids and since he was going to have Gabriella I had made plans to do something with Caitlyn! He got very angry and said Caitlyn could go to her friends house for the night. I said no that she needs attention from me too. He asked what we were going to do and I said I didn't know what YET- Then he got really mad and said, "You know, I try and try and you can't even meet me half way. Forget it-fuck it I'm not gonna do ANYTHING!" *click*
Of course then he called back again later saying he didn't know why I was being like that blah blah blah. That conversation ended the same way-he hung up on me. Then he called me yesterday and said that he expected me to bring his money to him at 5:00 when he got off work. I said no and gave a bunch of reasons, which I really didn't even owe him-he got pissed and again hung up on me-this time I had an audience, Caitlyn and her friend AND my grandma, uncle, and his new wife! I just shrugged it off. But the minute I got a second to myself I called him and left a message on his v/mail that I was so SICK of him using Gabriella to get to me and that he needed to man up and get it back together. He needed to reform his relationship with his daughter and realize that their relationship really has NOTHING to do with me! I also told him that I had his money in cash and he could pick it up anytime. I was willing to bring it before the circus, but not after. I also said that his daughter had been sick for 1 week, I had called off 3 days from work and he had 2 days off and he never even saw her. Plus all the calls he made to me he never even ASKED how she was!
Later on I really expected him to pull in after work. But he didn't. He did call one more time- one last PLEA as he put it for us to come over. When I AGAIN said no, he got angry, and surprise, *click*
Geez by the way he acts you would think I should have guys beating down my door for me.


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