Tuesday, November 01, 2005

No Wonder part II

After the smack, things calmed down. He apologized and things got better. I fell into a comfort zone, I guess that's why I didn't see the next thing coming. One day I went over to his house and he had a surprise for me. It was a scale and a clipboard that was written on-"Melanie's Weight." he told me from now on every day he would weigh me and write my weight on the chart. If I started gaining weight, I would have to leave and couldn't come over until I lost the weight. If I didn't gain weight I could stay. If I lost weight we could go out somewhere in public. I only weighed 125# at the time, but I guess that was too much for him. I remember being so upset that I carved "I'm Fat" in my stomach. It burned and stung like hell. When he saw it he got mad at me even more. I took summer school that year, but only weight training. He started it with me along with a couple of our other friends. At the end I was the only one that stuck it out, I held 2 school weight lifting records(bench press and calf press), I was able to run a mile in great time, and I did 500 crunches every day. I didn't hardly eat, and when we got into a fight I attributed it entirely to my weight. I would not eat and take Nyquil so i would pass out and have no desire to eat. My record for this was 14 days-I did eat 1 piece of bread in that 2 weeks and I drank water. I think my weight went down to 109#. he was proud of me.


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