Sunday, September 25, 2005


I think there's just something so endearing about Fall. It's a time where all of your senses are engaged...beautiful colors, crunching of leaves, that unmistakable smell in the air, and always pumpkin pie! Today we went to the apple orchard! We picked apples, ate apples, drank cider, went on a hayride, corn maze, .... It was so fulfilling to see both girls so happy and enjoying themselves so much! Gabriella was eating apples and walking along, bopping her head to invisible music. She wanted nothing to do with holding hands, though, she can do it herself! Caitlyn took control of the apple-picking. She was very methodical as to which types she would pick and how many, how they would fit in the bag. Sometimes I think I've created a monster! I feel bad that my weird idiosyncrasies have rubbed off on her! Poor kid. Of course when Gabriella saw what her big sister was doing, she had to join in! She just started picking whatever and throwing it in the bag. They are so different. I think she even tried to pick a pumpkin and put it in the bag. Caitlyn was having no part of that. Apples only in that bag. She really did have fun though, don't mistake me. It was nice to see her letting her guard down a little and loosening up around *gasp* her mother.

I think it is so important to make the most of time with your loved ones. I feel so fortunate and recognize the fragility of life. All of the tragedies recently kinda put things into perspective for you and help to prioritize your life. I'm not living the life I thought 10 years ago that I would be now, but I feel like a different person than I was then. She is still inside , believe me, but I think she's evolved quite a bit.

Oh- does anyone have any good apples recipes?? My little pickers have supplied me with enough apples to last until next fall!


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